Oil and Gas Around the World | Ep 19


Hello fellow humans! In this episode we talk about just what the title says —oil and gas around the world. Thanks guys for listening and we will catch y’all in the next one.

This episode of The BEN Show discusses oil and gas production and consumption around the world. It explores how different countries approach these industries, the challenges they face, and the future outlook. The conversation covers topics such as major oil and gas producers, countries with limited reserves, state control versus the private sector, consumption levels, sustainability concerns, geopolitical tensions, technological advancements, and shifting dynamics in the global energy market.

The BEN Show is proudly sponsored by Blue Energy Nation — bringing energy know-how to the next generation of Americans.

Hosts Kennedy Vital and Shia Brown are students at the International Business & Marketing Academy at William B. Travis High School in Richmond, Texas. Together they cover energy-related topics that impact every day life.

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Blue Energy Nation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working to educate America’s young people on energy realities.